Grandstands Australia

Current and upcoming grants in New South Wales

Looking for a grant to assist you with your outdoor furniture purchase? Take a look through the current and upcoming external grants available that may suit your organisation. Get a quote for your grant on the form below or contact the team on 1300 823 125.



Regional Investment Activation Fund- Stream Two

Department of Regional NSW is offering funding on relevant projects that deliver significant economic, social and/or environmental benefits for a priority industry or location. Grant objectives are to support existing industry growth, activating economic potential, creating high quality employment opportunities, support the shift towards higher value-added activities and promote collaboration. Applications are non-competitive, and eligibility is confirmed in 93 regional NSW LGA areas.

Amount: $1,000,000 to $10,000,000

Opens: 5 Oct 2022

Closes: 31 Dec 2024

Bin Trim Equipment Rebates Program

New incentives are being offered to reduce waste and increase recycling in NSW workplaces. Applications are open NSW businesses that have a commercial and industrial (C&I) waste service at a NSW site, valid ABN, and employ one or more full time employee in NSW. With eligible organisations being registered charities, not-for-profits, public entities (inc. schools and hospitals), and government organisations.

Projects that will be supported include those that target food, waste, plastic or textiles, support transition away from single-use plastics, and support mandatory food-waste collections. Examples of technologies that can be funded include: source separation bins, wheelie bins, skip bins – with bin signs and stickers, commercial worm farms and shredders.

Amount: $50,000

Opens: Now Open

Organisation Support Program

The Organisation Support Program (OSP) is designed to assist eligible State Sporting Organisations (SSOs) and State Sporting Organisations for people with Disability (SSODs), Peak Bodies and identified organisations to develop their sport and recreation activities at all levels in NSW.

Amount: $5,000 – $60,000

Regional Tourism Fund – Regional Tourism Product Development Program

Supports the regional tourism industry in NSW for new accommodation project, infrastructure projects, visitor signposting, itinerary/tour development or for new attractions.

Amount: $15,000 – $150,000

Rounds: Always Open

NSW Stronger Communities Fund – Major Projects

Funds larger scale priority infrastructure and services projects that deliver long term economic and social benefits to communities.

Amount: Up to $15,000,000


None – Always Open

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    Simply enter your details and one of our friendly team will be in touch.



    Community Grants Program

    Enhances the communities living close to NSW Ports’ operations at Port Botany, Port Kembla, Enfield Intermodal Logistics Centre, and Cooks River Intermodal Terminal. One-off grants of up to $25,000 are available to support not-for-profit organisations, community groups, or schools with innovative project ideas, programs, or initiatives that will support communities living close to NSW Ports’ operations at Port Botany, Port Kembla, Enfield Intermodal Logistics Centre, and Cooks River Intermodal Terminal.

    Opens: 02 May 2024

    Closes: 27 May 2024

    2024 Community Grants | NSW Ports

    Ready to get a quote? Call us on 1300 823 125 or complete the online form

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