Current and upcoming grants in Queensland
Looking for a grant to assist you with your outdoor furniture purchase? Take a look through the current and upcoming external grants available that may suit your organisation. Get a quote for your grant on the form below or contact the team on 1300 823 125.

Gambling Community Benefit Fund
The Gambling Community Benefit Fund (GCBF) is Queensland’s largest one-off community grants program, distributing around $60 million annually to not-for-profit organisations. This funding supports these groups in delivering services, leisure activities, and opportunities for communities across Queensland.
Amount: $35,000
Rounds: 3. Round 123—$35,000 standard grant round—closes 28th February.
Gambling Community Benefit Fund
Show Societies Grants Program
The Show Societies Grants Program (SSGP) is an annual allocation-based funding program of $2 million supporting Show Societies and affiliated organisations throughout Queensland to conduct annual agricultural shows, totalling $6 million by 2025.
The objective of the Grant Program is to provide financial support to Show Societies and affiliated Organisations to:
– Meet the operational costs (excluding salary or wage related costs) associated with the conduct of annual agricultural shows
– Invest in new infrastructure or upgrades and maintenance to showground facilities essential to the operation of the annual agricultural show.
Amount: Unspecified
Rounds: Always Open
2022-25 Show Societies Grants program
Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements
Provides relief measures that may be activated following an eligible disaster to assist individuals, small businesses, primary producers, not-for-profit organisations, local governments and state agencies.
Amount: Unspecified
Rounds: Always Open
Sport & Recreation Disaster Recovery Program – Level 1 & Level 2
Supports not-for-profit sport and recreation organisations with funding to re-establish their facilities and activities after extreme natural events, including flooding and associated damage.
Funding of up to $5000 (Level 1) and $20,000 (Level 2) may be available for eligible sport and recreation organisations located in areas declared under the Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA).
Amount: Up to $20,000
Rounds: Always Open

Currently, there are no upcoming grants available.
Please check again as we update this page regularly.