Interested in applying for a grant?

Glencore Community Grants
Glencore offer a range of community grant investment opportunities, investing in community infrastructure and programs across NSW, VIC and QLD. They are continually adding in new community investment opportunities.
Amount: varies between grants
Opens: always open
Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund
The Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF) provides funding for community cricket facility projects, with a focus on growing participation and promoting accessibility and inclusivity.
The ACIF will contribute up to $5.6 million in 2021/22 into community facility projects, representing Cricket’s continued commitment to infrastructure funding.
The ACIF is open to all clubs, associations, schools, councils and cricket facility managers, acknowledging the important role that these partners play in providing facilities for community cricket across Australia.
Community Cricket Infrastructure Grants – Minor
$1,000 – $10,000
Community Cricket Infrastructure Grants – Major
$10,001 – $30,000
Each State and Territory Association will announce when the ACIF will close for applications. Please visit your State or Territory Association website for further information.
To find out more information visit: